
When making requests to external data providers you may want to cache data responses so you can reduce the number of outgoing HTTP requests.

Features include:

  • Automatic caching for data requests and manual control

  • Hydrates cached HTTP responses back into a response object

  • isHit() and getAge() methods on HTTP responses to help detect when cache is used

  • Set custom cache lifetime and tags for different data requests

  • For concurrent requests saves cache via the persist queue for better performance

  • Supports probability-based pruning of expired cache entries

Also see Data history, which uses the cache as a storage engine to detect whether new content has changed or is new.

How the cache works

First a data provider needs to have a valid cache attached to it via the setCache() method. Once this is done the cache is enabled and any "cacheable" requests are cached.

Whether a request is cacheable is determined by checking the isCacheableRequest() method on the data provider. You can also control this manually.

The basic flow to check if a request is cacheable is:

  1. Is there a cache set to the data provider?

  2. Is the cache enabled in the data provider?

  3. Is the request set to manually cache?

  4. If there are no manual settings, is this request considered cacheable?

For HTTP requests all GET and HEAD requests are cached, all other requests are not. For GraphQL requests POST requests are also included (since that's how GraphQL queries are sent).

You can control caching in a few different ways.

On data providers:

  • You can use enableCache() and disableCache() to turn the cache on and off. If the cache is disabled nothing caches.

  • You can manually specify which requests are cacheable by passing the $cacheable argument to methods that return data

  • You can set the cache lifetime for requests via enableCache($lifetime)

  • You can add cache tags (which helps when removing cache items) via addCacheTag() and setCacheTags()

Query Manager caching

The query manager uses similar techniques to control caching:

On the query manager:

  • You can use enableCache() and disableCache() to turn the cache on and off for all queries

  • You can add cache tags to all queries via addCacheTag() and setCacheTags()

On a query object:

  • You can specify which queries are cacheable via cache() and doNotCache()

  • You can set the cache lifetime via cache($lifetime)

  • You can add cache tags via cacheTags()


Pass a PSR-6 compatible cache adapter to the setCache() method to enable caching. It's recommended to use a cache that supports tagging.

use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\FilesystemTagAwareAdapter;

$api->setCache(new FilesystemTagAwareAdapter());

Please note, setting a cache lifetime on the cache adapter has no effect since this is overwritten in the DataCache class. See how to alter the cache lifetime.

You can also pass further arguments to customise the cache, for example setting the cache namespace and cache path:

$cache = new FilesystemTagAwareAdapter('cache', 0, __DIR__ . '/path/to/cache/folder');

Enable the cache

This just makes caching available, to actually cache data requests you need to enable the cache:


Using the cache

The data cache automatically caches data requests if the request is cacheable. For HTTP data requests this is determined as:

  • Cache is enabled

  • GET or HEAD requests

For GraphQL queries this is determiend by:

  • Cache is enabled

  • GET, HEAD or POST requests

To cache data simply set the cache, enable it, and then make your data request:

$result = $api->get('my-data');

This automatically saves items to the cache via the data provider with a default cache lifetime of one hour.

For example, these requests all return exactly the same data when caching is enabled. Only the first request is actually sent to

$api = new Rest('');
$api->setCache(new FilesystemTagAwareAdapter());

// This returns a random UUID from
echo PHP_EOL . $api->get('uuid')->toArray()['uuid'];
echo PHP_EOL . $api->get('uuid')->toArray()['uuid'];

Disable the cache

You can also disable the cache for future data requests:


And re-enable it again when you want to use it:


This allows more fine-grained caching rules, where you may want to cache some data requests and not others.

Working out if an HTTP response has been cached

All HTTP data requests return CacheableResponse response objects. This decorates the standard HTTP response and adds the method isHit() to a response so you can work out if response data was returned from the cache or was requested fresh from the origin.

$response = $api->get('uuid');

if ($response->isHit()) {
    echo "HIT";
} else {
    echo "MISS";

You can also return the cache age via: $response->getAge(). This will return the age in seconds for cached data, or null if the data is not cached.

Caching HTTP responses

When an HTTP response is returned from the cache this is hydrated via the Symfony MockResponse class and a valid HTTP response object is returned. This restores the following data from a response:

  • Status code

  • Response headers

  • Body content

Cache lifetime

By default the Data Cache caches data for up to one hour. You can set a custom cache lifetime when enabling the cache, by passing the number of seconds to store data in the cache:


You can also use the CacheLifetime class, which has a set of convenience constants to set cache lifetime in seconds: CacheLifetime::MINUTE, CacheLifetime::HOUR, CacheLifetime::DAY, CacheLifetime::WEEK, CacheLifetime::MONTH, CacheLifetime::YEAR.

use Strata\Data\Cache\CacheLifetime;
$api->enableCache(CacheLifetime::MINUTE * 5);

You can also set the cache lifetime via the cache directly:

$api->getCache()->setLifetime(CacheLifetime::MINUTE * 5);

Adding tags

If your cache adapter supports tags, you can set tags to be saved against all future data requests. If your cache adapter does not support tags this will throw a CacheException.

Pass an array of tags to save to cache items:

$data->setCacheTags(['my-tag', 'second-tag']);

These tags are then set for all future cached data via the Data Cache.

To stop tags being saved against cache items, simply call the method without any arguments. This empties any previously set cache tags and disables tagging for future data requests.


Invalidating the cache

Using the Data Cache directly

Convenience methods exist in data providers to save items in the cache, all other functionality must be accessed via the cache object itself. To directly access the DataCache use:

/** @var Strata\Data\Cache\DataCache $cache */
$cache = $data->getCache();

Expiration based invalidation

By default, all data stored by DataCache has a cache lifetime and cache items are removed after this lifetime has expired. However, some cache adapters (e.g. filesystem) only expire cache items when they are requested, see pruning old cache items on how to solve this problem.

Key invalidation

You can remove individual cache items via:


Or to delete multiple items:

$data->getCache()->deleteItems([$key1, $key2]);

Tag-based invalidation

You can remove all cache items stored against a tag via:


Delete everything

To delete everything from the cache:


Pruning old cache items

Some cache pools do not have automated mechanisms for pruning expired caches which under certain circumstances can cause diskpsace or memory usage issues. The FilesystemAdapter does not remove expired cache items until an individual item is explicitly requested and determined to be expired.

This can be worked around by purging the cache on a regular basis. The DataCache can be purged via:


By default, this runs a purge request on all items in a cache. To help increase performance, you can choose to only run a purge request a certain percentage of times. This helps if you want to call purge frequently but only run it every so often.

To do this, pass the $probability argument which represents a number between 0 (never runs) to 1 (always runs).

For example, to run 1 time in 10:


The following cache adapters support purge requests:

Last updated

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