You can setup URLs in your PHP controller code via the Url object.

To create a new URL with the pattern news/:slug:

$url = new Url('news/:slug');

When combined with a content object with a URL slug of hello-world:

echo $url->getUrl($content);

Returns: news/hello-world

You can also output the URL via Twig, this outputs the URL for the current content object.

{{ page.url }}

URL params

You can parse in content variables into the URL, using the options below.

To set a parameter the format is :param-name

To set options associated with the param the format is: :param-name(option=value,option2=value)


Parse in the content ID. E.g.

$url = new Url('news/:id');

Example URL: news/123


Parse in the URL slug. E.g.

$url = new Url('news/:slug');

Example URL: news/hello-world


Parse in the date published slug.

By default the date is outputted in the format Y/m/d

$url = new Url('news/:date_published/:slug');

Example URL: news/2019/02/12/hello-world

You can also set the format option which controls how the date is outputted in the URL. See date format options.

$url = new Url('news/:date_published(format=Y)/:slug');

Example URL: news/2019/hello-world


Parse in the date modified slug. This works in the same way as date_published

$url = new Url('news/:date_modified/:slug');

Example URL: news/2019/02/13/hello-world

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