You can setup URLs in your PHP controller code via the Url
To create a new URL with the pattern news/:slug
When combined with a content object with a URL slug of hello-world
Returns: news/hello-world
You can also output the URL via Twig, this outputs the URL for the current content object.
URL params
You can parse in content variables into the URL, using the options below.
To set a parameter the format is :param-name
To set options associated with the param the format is: :param-name(option=value,option2=value)
Parse in the content ID. E.g.
Example URL: news/123
Parse in the URL slug. E.g.
Example URL: news/hello-world
Parse in the date published slug.
By default the date is outputted in the format Y/m/d
Example URL: news/2019/02/12/hello-world
You can also set the format
option which controls how the date is outputted in the URL. See date format options.
Example URL: news/2019/hello-world
Parse in the date modified slug. This works in the same way as date_published
Example URL: news/2019/02/13/hello-world
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